Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prompt 1-

Prompt 1
So, the school I went to is in a remotely okay area. I mean it’s pretty safe. The school building itself is kind of confusing. I wasn’t sure where the door was. The door is on the complete opposite side of where I parked my car. Of course, with my luck the first day I went it was pouring…oh well so I was a little soggy, nothing I couldn’t fix a couple seconds before opening the door to the office. As I walked through the office door the secretary looked at me, she said hello and I politely said hello back and explained wheat I was doing there. I asked for the binder, and she had no idea at first, then finally she figured it out, she let me put my paper in it. She was kind of disorganized. Eventually I was given my visitor’s pass and went on my merry way. The school feels warm and welcoming. Although, I didn’t get to meet the principal until my third visit because she was adopting twins. She started a conversation with me about school and what I was doing there. The short conversations that teachers have with me as I was down the hall with a student or the way my teacher explains what she is doing and why. My teacher is very nice. She is actually my friend’s mom. Her aid on the other hand gets upset with the kids very easily whereas I find I have much more patients with them. The aid is on the older side so her patients probably are wearing thin. No offense to her. My teacher has taught the kids from day one, manors, how to sit, there weekly line order, how to act, sit and be quiet when told. When the student act out; my teacher is very good at having them think about what they are doing and what needs to be done to fix it. She has good control over the class. Etiquette is valued very much in this school and in the classroom. The hallways were filled with students’ artwork, it’s a very creative school, I might add. The structure of the school is arranged so that the “wings” if you will, of the school coincide with the grade levels. For example, one wing is for the cafetorium, kindergarten and first grade the second wing is for second and third and so on. The classroom has a number line, the alphabet, words they have been learning, big story books, science projects. Lots of projects hanging up on the wall, the room is very colorful. There is a rug area for the students to sit on for reading and morning lessons. I have to say these children are very well behaved for the most part. The principal was in the military so they trained the students to walk down the hall with their hands behind their back and refer to it as “duck tails.” I thought it was very creative. Also, in the classroom are centers for the students to go to. I am usually there during reading and writing time. So, there are about five different centers they rotate too. My teacher is very organized and prepared. The tables are clearly marked and the students know what they need to do and get right to it.

But I think that is all for now, I can't believe how fast 500 words came :)


Gerri August said...

Hi Lisa,

I love your image!

Dr. August

Jennifer said...

That is the cutest picture i've ever seen! (Dr. August this isn't one of my 4 responses I just wanted to comment on the picture!!!)